Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The Neighbor

The woman on the street
pushing a shopping cart
with tattered belongings...
She's my neighbor.

The soldier just home
from a war that made
him mentally ill...
He's my neighbor.

The boy who sits
without saying a word
then has a melt down.
He is my neighbor...

The wealthy man who
is unable to share
whose heart is like ice...
He is my neighbor.

The Muslim across the hall
who prays five times a day
and speaks in Arabic...
He is my neighbor.

The teenaged girl who
gets pregnant and decides
to get an abortion...
She is my neighbor...

Jesus said, "Love your
neighbor as yourself."
He was asked, "Who
is my neighbor?"

Jesus told a story called
The Good Samaritan:
Our neighbor is anyone
and our neighbor is everyone.

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