Sunday, September 2, 2012

Let Me In

They say I'm badly damaged. 
So why not throw me in the trash?
If I'm so unusable to you and others
toss me away and hear the crash.

Oh, that's right, you just did that.
 Like garbage, I'm in the gutter 
after being stigmatized and disregarded
and treated like so much clutter.

All because I'm different; 
have challenges so don't fit in.
I try my hardest to be like everyone;
that fight's impossible to win.

Why can't you just accept me
for the human being I am. 
I'm talented, unique, even intelligent
but not one of you give a damn.

Be warned, I'm not leaving soon.
I'll be raising my voice, be heard.
I will demand your attention and some respect
And I will not just be deferred.

Why not let it happen now?
Let me in, let me serve the cause
That's all I want is to help re-elect one man;
should be more crucial than my flaws.

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