Friday, September 7, 2012

Liar! Liar!

Liar! Liar! Pants on Fire!
Is the cry again this season.
Politicians prevaricate
more easily than they reason.

Every one of them stretch truth
to be quite generous about it.
Politicians lie as freely
as cells phones appear to transmit.

When they tell the truth, by strange chance,
We all do a fact check on them
to verify this rarity;
a truthful political gem.

It is sad but also quite true:
we expect lies from our leaders.
Unfabricated truth from them
can unsettle many readers.

The truth should or ought be the norm. 
We need to expect it more often;
we have to call it forth from them.
The facts don't need to be softened.

©2012 C. Boeneman

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