Monday, October 22, 2012

Uphill (Haiku)

Uphill to nowhere
That is how it feels most days
Dirty, muddy path.

Friday, October 19, 2012

The Politician

Please explain why...
You hate when I love you,
why you hurt me when I want you,
why you make me want to die?

Please explain why...
You don't seem to want my help;
I have the needed expertise.
Why do you have to make up lies?

Please explain why...
You have shut me out wholly
I have given you many years
The kind of help you cannot buy.

Please explain why...
You reject this volunteer?
Due to her disabilities?
rejection makes me want to die.

Please answer...

©2012 Cherie Boeneman

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Fall Tree (Haiku) mood today.
Tired tree dropping leaves
Seeking a long rest.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Like an elevator in free fall,
but spiraling out of control
nothing to stop my plunge
emotional gravity pulls
until I find the inevitable


Surrounding noise,
suddenly so far away; 
light-headed, shaking.
Can't breathe,
I want to run,
unable to sit still.
It is actually painful
to remain in one place.
I want to scream.
I do cry and shake 
and cry some more.
I need to escape,
run from the pain,
somewhere, anywhere, 
but there is no escape.
It is always with me.
It is like a choker 
around my throat.
Finally, not being able
to escape or get better
I make the Leap 
of  Concrete Faith.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Icy Hell

Hell on earth arrives
With icy blue eyes stabbing,
Freezing all feeling.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Ghost Walking

Bones that walk,
skeletons that talk;
living who are not,
conscious without thought.

quite unorthodox;
death where life should be,
thought, no sympathy.

Ghostly pale,
yet it can exhale.
No one ever sees;
this spirit can breathe.

but ideation.
needing and wanting,
love but not haunting.

It can't be,
ever to be seen,
ever to be held;
all emotions quelled.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Tick Toc
Terrible, Threatening ,Toxin
Tyrant, Terrorizing

Immediate, Illusory
Incredible, invalidating, Incinerating
Insinuating, infiltrating

Massive, Melting
Monstrous, Maddening, Misery
Murder, Massacre 

Everlasting, Eviscerating
 Evaporating, Exasperating, Enraging
Exhausting, Evacuating, 

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Mania Anacrostic

Terrible tremors
Severe, serious shaking.


Aggressive anger
Never needs naps
Increased impulsiveness including imbibing
Always anguished awareness and awake.

©2012 Cherie Boeneman

Heartbeat (Haiku)

Life has a heartbeat
A pulse unique to each
Beating to its time.

Two Visions, One Election

It seems like there are two visions of politics and they are always at war. The first is that politics is for the betterment of the whole of humanity,of uplifting everyone. The second is that politics is to secure power for a select few who will rule the rest. We see that quite plainly in this election in the United States. Barack Obama has a vision that would "lift all boats". Mitt Romney insists that his vision will reward the rich and those rewards will somehow (never explained how) trickle down to the rest of the population. The fact that Trickle Down has been the dominant conservative theory for decades and has yet to work does not seem to faze him. He remains steadfast (or not) in his conservative fake world.This world is built strictly for the consumption of the population of citizens who really, at bottom, want to be rich and think Trickle Down will be the answer. Of course, the rich conservatives have no intention of ever letting that happen.

Obama, on the other hand, remains steadfast in his somewhat liberal hope for change. It is, of course, given the reality of human nature, hopelessly naive and I have to think that he knows it. The conservative power brokers will never allow the full vision to be realized and will always try to block as much as possible and to roll back any social progress that has been made.

Both of these perspectives have been labeled by Reinhold Niebuhr, Christian Theologian. He called the conservatives "The Children of Darkness" for their persistent reliance on the sinfulness and greed of human beings. They know, what the other side fails to realize, which is that people will ALWAYS do what is in their own self-interest. On the other hand are the liberals, which he calls the "Children of the Light". This would sound positive until you realize that Niebuhr viewed them as hopelessly foolish and naive. They see the world through "rose colored glasses." Humanity will inevitably progress and will overcome the evil that stands in the way of social improvement. Niebuhr sees the foolishness of thinking that people are that noble. But neither are they as malevolent as the Children of the Darkness want to believe. The interesting thing about human beings is the wonderful mixture of sinful, selfish,greedy men and women along with the noble creatures which seek the Kingdom God on earth.

The bottom line is that it is the dialectic between the two elements, the Children of the Darkness and the Children of the Light that informs politics and the way of the world. This dialectic is required for society to work.

The problem at the current time is that the Children of the Darkness are being obstinate and refusing to participate in the dialectic. It is their way or no way. The Children of the Light are continually frustrated by the lack of movement in the dialectic. What is required of them is to see that this strategy by the CoD is just another ploy based in their world view. In order to move the dialectic, the CoL have to call them out for what they are, to preach the Truth, to be Prophets, if you will. They must cry in the wilderness until the People hear with their inner ears and hearts.

This election is all about that inner ear. Will the People hear? Will they see that ultimately, neither the Cod or the CoL will prevail untouched. Democracy simply will not allow it. Democracy is the dialectic.

Sunday, October 7, 2012


Part of my personality
seem to dissipate,
disappear into thin air
as I watch and wait.

I sense the pieces leaving me,
I feel far away
and voices seem quite distant;
my soul goes astray.

My disintegrating spirit
screams in great distress,
goes unheard by anyone
as it's dispossessed.

How can the several  fragments
be reconnected
What process will be employed,
used and directed?

That scares me more than the illness;
almost has to pain
as much as tearing apart
sections of the brain.

But if agony is required
to get the outcome
of entire cohesion
I'll gladly take some.

©2012 Cherie Boeneman

Thursday, October 4, 2012

The Other Guy

If eyes are the window to the soul
his soul is on the way to Hell;
Creepy and distant,
blue but vacant.

He reminds me of those guys who shoot
innocent folks for the pleasure;
Paranoid and strange,
He looks deranged.

He's running for a seat in Congress
but we really cannot afford
to elect him now;
crazy, and how.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Season and Time (Haiku)

Leaves yellow and gold
Falling and spiraling down
Like season and time.

©2012 Cherie Boeneman

The Split

How is it that there is
this split of feelings;
one made of  heavenly love,
the other made in the abyss.

I do not understand
how I can be two
completely different souls,
it is difficult to withstand.

I don't want to hate you
but right there it is;
one minute the feeling's there
and I do not know what to do.

But then there is craving,
a flame burning bright;
a feeling that consumes me
with love and heat that is scathing.

They have a name for it,
say its Bi-Polar.
It's funny, I don't feel ill;
I feel two ways, I do admit.

But then there are the times
when I'm so depressed
I cannot get out of bed
or I can't leave the house' confines.

So I guess it is true:
I am divided.
Sometimes I am on a high,
but at other's I'm a deep blue.

©2012 C. Boeneman

All That's Left (Anacrostic #4)

Ice blue eyes

Hew my soul,

Aid  the foe;
Take what's left
Ends in theft.

Yet there was

Once some care
Ugly mood sighs.

©2012 Cherie Boeneman

Monday, October 1, 2012

Beware Politicians!

I have decided to follow God
not the elected officials
I want to stay away from evil
and from very blatant fraud.

I want to restore my sanity
it fled when I got too involved
Trying to get it back takes much work
fleeing inhumanity.

They can literally drive you mad.
They will use you and will abuse you
then toss you like yesterday's garbage.
It can hurt and make you sad..

I'll not volunteer for them again.
Politicians are for themselves
People need to know this when they vote
and not let them pull you in.

©2012 Cherie Boeneman