Saturday, August 18, 2012

Fallen Angel

Dented halo and broken wing,
golden harp that's lost a string,
fallen angel with dirty face
needs some prayer and God's own Grace.
Alone and lost, scared of the night,
the angel's fears take to flight.
She's blinded by her guilt and shame,
only sees that she's to blame.
At last, she sees no other way,
bends her knees, gets down to pray.
The angel asks the Lord for aid;
she's been wrong and so afraid.
No answer seems to come at first.
Silence makes her fate seem worse.
But then, the Still, Small Voice is heard,
"Come here, my child, " is God's Word.
The Grace of God is always there,
waits for us with tender care.
For when we ask we will receive
strength and power to believe.
-C. Boeneman

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