Thursday, August 23, 2012

How sad

How sad is it that my beliefs have died?
At least the beliefs about my country.
I used to think we were a good folk
but now all I see is stubborn pride.

How sad is it that politics are evil?
that there is a great divide among us
I used to think  we had common sense
but now all seem to be uncivil. 

How sad is it that politicians buy
their way into elected positions?
I used to think there was honesty
but now all seems to have gone awry.

How sad is it that all law makers
don't care about the People in the least?
I used to think I could believe one
but now ALL seem to be major fakers.

How sad is it that my heart seems fractured?
I wanted to still believe in my nation
I used to believe in the government
but now all of it seems  manufactured. 

How sad is it that they all seem acquired
for a price by major corporations?
I used to believe the People mattered 
but now all I see makes me sick and tired.

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