Wednesday, August 15, 2012

The State of Things

There once was a time when
America was still cool
the government a good thing
and politics the tool.

Then Watergate occurred
and it changed my perspective.
Nixon WAS indeed a crook,
statements irrespective.

Moral Majority
moved GOP to the Right
Religion came to the fore
and began to incite.

Moral Majority
was neither but made big noise
convinced many smaller minds
of  Jerry Falwell's ploys.

The Grand Old Party moved
even farther to the right,
getting closer to the edge
where they'd be out of sight.

The Tea Party appeared
with funding from fanatics
to promulgate falsehoods
and increase dramatics.

They fooled the ignorant;
it seemed so easy to do
because they watched Fox News
whose facts were very skewed.

So now we have gridlock
in our government order
which leaves the People angry;
congress in disorder.

Citizens United came
called corporations persons
and said money is free speech;
campaigning now worsens.

Freedom is now up for sale
to auction's highest bidder.
The People have no say now;
Time to reconsider.

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