Saturday, August 4, 2012

Fight Stigma

I was going to give up
and do myself in;
no one wanted me here,
I can never win.

But then I realized
I would never lose
as long as I hang in
and fight the abuse.

Stigma hurts everyone,
we are ALL unique.
Please don't put others down
because they seem weak.

I combat an illness;
no fault of my own;
no need to be afraid
and don't throw that stone.

Glass houses all shatter
with one single throw.
Really, we all live there
So just let it go.

It's better to reach out
and begin to see
that uniqueness is good
tolerance is key.

That's why I hang around,
to help others get,
there's no need to be scared
we are not a threat.

Give up the idea
our illness means odd
We are all around you,
some never seem flawed.

When you hear depressed
Please don't assume the worst
When you hear autism
Don't assume she's cursed.

Give us all a chance
just like anyone new.
Many will surprise you
with what we can do.


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