Friday, August 17, 2012

Ode to Pillows

I used to think I needed a man
to make me complete and whole.
That was a misconception for sure
All I really need are pillows and soul.

Men are useful  for a couple things:
sex and to take out the trash.
But sex at my age can be tricky
and all too often over in a flash.

Pillows are far more reliable,
always can be placed just right
To achieve the maximum pleasure.
Men, though, are as likely to miss outright.

Men are nice and warm, pillows don't snore.
Men have two arms to hold you
but they are usually fast asleep
and men of my age don't always come through.

Pillows are safe sex, no diseases,
And don't lie about wedlock.
I guess I need to be persuaded
that men are worth it or am I deadlocked?

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