Friday, August 3, 2012

Hey, Bully!

You think you're being funny,
that your friends think you are cool
but when you say those mean things
you're just being cruel.

How do you think those things feel
to the one they're said about?
Do you even think it through
when you are lashing out?

What you do hurts a person
who feels and bleeds like you do
What you say can do damage
that you might not undo.

Your victim takes it so hard
she might feel just so forlorn
she might go off the deep end
and wish she was not born.

She might decide to end it
to make the pain go away
it seems the only way out
from what you do and say.

Being a bully is wrong,
You know deep down that is true
Stop it now and make it right
It's the moral thing to do.

You'll feel better so will she;
"I'm sorry is hard to say". 
but it's far easier now
than on a funeral day.

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