Saturday, August 11, 2012

Finding Joy

Stop and smell the roses
or so they say,
is one path to happiness
one thing to do today.

Take a walk in the rain;
one of the best
ways to connect with nature,
to get a sense of rest.

Meditate and relax
and you will feel
better in every way;
anxious spirits are healed.

Music can cure the soul;
elevate mood.
Play it softly at the start
then blast it to renew.

There are so many ways
to find joy and peace
to get away from all the strife;
discover sweet release.

Letting the mind wander
will find one soon.
Go with the flow of your soul
and you will be attuned.

Let yourself be open,
you will soon find
a new path to happiness
emerging from your mind.

Joy comes from within us,
happiness too.
If you can learn to grasp that
you have made a break through.

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